ATMEGA328 Starter kit development board for Arduino UNO R3 Upgraded version Learning 1602 LCD Students must
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UNO R3 Board x 1
Mini Breadboard shield with mini board x 1.
830 points Breadboard x 1
SMD components box x 1
LED red yellow green x 15(each 5pcs)
Buzzer x 2
Switch x 4
Digital tube x 2
Mercury switch or ball switch x 2
Photoresistor x 3
Potentiometer x 1
Flame sensor 1
Infrared receiver x 1
Resistance 220?, 1K, 10K x 15(each 5)
LM35 Temperature sensor x 1
USB Cable x 1
Male to male jumper wire x 30
9V battery clip x 1
IR mini remote control x 1
1602 LCD LCD module x 1
9G Servo x 1
5V stepper motor + ULN2003 driver board x 1
74HC595 x 1
8*8 DOT MATRIX x 1