Default Title - Wondfo 50 x Ovulation Urine Test Strip LH Detection Sticks Early Tests Paper Over 99% Accurancy As Fast As 3 Minuntes
[variant_title] - Wondfo 50 x Ovulation Urine Test Strip LH Detection Sticks Early Tests Paper Over 99% Accurancy As Fast As 3 Minuntes
[variant_title] - Wondfo 50 x Ovulation Urine Test Strip LH Detection Sticks Early Tests Paper Over 99% Accurancy As Fast As 3 Minuntes
[variant_title] - Wondfo 50 x Ovulation Urine Test Strip LH Detection Sticks Early Tests Paper Over 99% Accurancy As Fast As 3 Minuntes
[variant_title] - Wondfo 50 x Ovulation Urine Test Strip LH Detection Sticks Early Tests Paper Over 99% Accurancy As Fast As 3 Minuntes
[variant_title] - Wondfo 50 x Ovulation Urine Test Strip LH Detection Sticks Early Tests Paper Over 99% Accurancy As Fast As 3 Minuntes

Wondfo 50 x Ovulation Urine Test Strip LH Detection Sticks Early Tests Paper Over 99% Accurancy As Fast As 3 Minuntes

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Wondfo is a globally recognized and public fast growing POCT company devoted to R&D, manufacture and sales of rapid diagnostic reagents and medical devices in IVD field. Apart from the Guangzhou headquarters, Wondfo also owns one overseas lab in San Diego, one branch in Chicago and several overseas offices. “Quality is life!” is paramount in everything we do. Wondfo has won good reputation worldwide by providing premium products and professional services. We aim at serving the public, and hence people will trust Wondfo. 



1. Quick and easy operation and 99% accuracy; 

2. Earliest detection, greatest sensitivity level - 25 mIU/mL;

3. Wondfo has 25 years history, a well known and public enterprise and has won good reputation around the world for good quality products and professional services;

4. Wondfo have got CE certificates, FDA certificates, FSC certificates, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2012 quality system certification;

5. For in vitro diagnostic use only. For self-testing use only.

Wondfo Ovulation Test is a qualitative test used to predict when there is a lutenizing hormone (LH) surge, and in turn, when you are likely to ovulate.                                                                                                                             
USAGE: Immerse the strip into the urine with the arrow pointing towards the urine. Take the strip out after 3 seconds and lay the strip flat on a clean, dry, non-absorbent surface (such as the mouth of the urine container).
IMPORTANT:Do not allow the urine level to exceed the MAX(marker line), otherwise the test may not perform correctly.
The complete reaction time of 3 minutes is required and your result should appear within 3 minutes. Do not read results after 5 minutes                                                                                                                                                 
Negative (No LH Surge): Only one color band appears on the control region, or the test band appears but is lighter than the control band. This means there is no LH surge.
Positive (LH Surge): If two color bands are visible, and the test band is equal to or darker than the control band, you will probably ovulate in the next 24-48 hours. If trying to get pregnant, the best time to have intercourse is after 24 but before 48 hours.Invalid: No visible band at all. Repeat with a new test kit. If test still fails, please contact the distributor or the store where you bought the product, with the lot number.     
1. Store at 39-86°F (4-30°C) in the sealed pouch up to the expiration date.
2. Keep away from direct sunlight, moisture and heat.
4. Preferably open the pouch only shortly before the test.                                                                                                                                    Specification:  
CODE#: W2-S 
Strip size: 3.5MM
Box size: 120*100*65MM
Weight:  0.15KG/box
Sensitivity: 25mIU
Content: One pouch containing a test device and a desiccant. The desiccant is for storage purpose only, and is not used in the test procedures.

Insert with instructions for use.    1 2 3 4 5 6 7


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