[variant_title] - Sonoff TH16 Smart Wifi Switch Monitoring Temperature Humidity Wifi Smart Switch Home Automation Kit Works With Alexa Google Home
[variant_title] - Sonoff TH16 Smart Wifi Switch Monitoring Temperature Humidity Wifi Smart Switch Home Automation Kit Works With Alexa Google Home
[variant_title] - Sonoff TH16 Smart Wifi Switch Monitoring Temperature Humidity Wifi Smart Switch Home Automation Kit Works With Alexa Google Home
[variant_title] - Sonoff TH16 Smart Wifi Switch Monitoring Temperature Humidity Wifi Smart Switch Home Automation Kit Works With Alexa Google Home
[variant_title] - Sonoff TH16 Smart Wifi Switch Monitoring Temperature Humidity Wifi Smart Switch Home Automation Kit Works With Alexa Google Home
Sonoff TH16 - Sonoff TH16 Smart Wifi Switch Monitoring Temperature Humidity Wifi Smart Switch Home Automation Kit Works With Alexa Google Home
TH16 With AM2301 - Sonoff TH16 Smart Wifi Switch Monitoring Temperature Humidity Wifi Smart Switch Home Automation Kit Works With Alexa Google Home
TH16 With DS18B20 - Sonoff TH16 Smart Wifi Switch Monitoring Temperature Humidity Wifi Smart Switch Home Automation Kit Works With Alexa Google Home
TH16 With Si7021 - Sonoff TH16 Smart Wifi Switch Monitoring Temperature Humidity Wifi Smart Switch Home Automation Kit Works With Alexa Google Home

Sonoff TH16 Smart Wifi Switch Monitoring Temperature Humidity Wifi Smart Switch Home Automation Kit Works With Alexa Google Home

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Sonoff TH16 Smart Wifi Switch Monitoring Temperature Humidity Wifi Smart Switch Home Automation Kit Works With Alexa Google Home

Note: the sensors are not in the package of Sonoff TH10 /TH 16, you have to buy it separately.
Sensor-AM2301 And Si7021 is the Temperature and Humidity Sensor , No Waterproof.
Sensor-DS18B20 is the Temperature Sensor , Waterproof .


Product Overview:

Sonoff is a universal swich for your smart home system to remotely and automately turn on/off any appliances. Work with the Sonoff SC, you can make it more smart. Learn more about Sonoff SC HERE.
Sonoff TH10/TH16 is a wireless temperature and humidity monitoring switch which can remote monitor and set temperature and humidity range to turn on/off connected appliances through the iOS/Android APP eWeLink.
Just as the name indicates, the Sonoff TH temperature and humidity monitor device supports two maximum current supply specifications: 10A or 15A. 
Sonoff TH10/ TH16 remote temperature monitor and wireless humidity monitor WiFi switch supports presetting the range for temperature or humidity.
When the temperature or humidity of the environment falls within the range, it will automatically turn on or off the connected devices.
Sonoff TH10/ TH16 supports three kinds of temperature monitor and humidity monitor sensors, mentioned below:
AM2301, DS18B20, DHT11
With the latest eWeLink app, users can create a series of simple conditional statement (Smart Scene) to trigger on/off other smart devices.  
This means users can use Sonoff TH10 or Sonoff TH16 with AM2301, DS18B20 or DHT11 sensor to collect temperature/humidity data, which can be used to as a condition to trigger on/off other devices, such as Sonoff, Sonoff RF, Sonoff SV, S20 smart socket . 
This device works perfectly with electric fan, air conditioner, humidifier, smart fish tank, watering system, etc.



Product Features:


  • Real-time monitor – Monitor real-time temperature and humidity.
  • Auto Mode – Set Auto mode to turn on/off at a specified temp. or hum. range.
  • Manual Mode – Set manual mode to turn on/off immediately.
  • Trigger Smart Scene – The temp. or hum. values work as smart scene trigger conditions to trigger on/off other Sonoff devices.
  • Remote ON/OFF – Turn electrical devices on/off from anywhere, can work without TH sensor.
  • App Support – Free iOS and Android mobile App eWeLink.
  • Sync Status – Real-time device status provided to App.
  • Share Control – Control your smart home together with your family.
  • Timing – Set scheduled/countdown timers to turn on/off at specified time.
  • Scene – Turn on/off a gang of devices with one tap.
  • Voice Control – Works perfectly with Amazon Alexa, Google Home.
Sonoff, Sonoff TH16, Smart Wifi Switch Sonoff, Sonoff TH16, Smart Wifi Switch Sonoff, Sonoff TH16, Smart Wifi Switch

Product Specification:

[ Name ]:  Sonoff TH16 Smart Wifi Switch
[ Input voltage ]: 90~ 250V AC 
[ Input current ]: Max 15A
[ Power ]: 3500W(15A)
Supports 4 temperature or humidity sensors (AM2301, Si7021, DS18B20, DHT11)

Product Advantage:

  • Supports tracking device status.
  • Supports remote turn on/off connected appliance.
  • Supports presetting temperature and humidity to turn on/off.
  • Supports 8 enabled countdown/single/repeat  timing tasks.
  • Support checking real-time temperature and humidity.
  • Support setting smart scene to trigger on/off other smart devices.
  • Works with Alexa.
  • Works with Nest.
  • Woeks with Google Home.
Sonoff, Sonoff TH16, Smart Wifi Switch
Sonoff, Sonoff TH16, Smart Wifi Switch Sonoff, Sonoff TH16, Smart Wifi Switch Sonoff, Sonoff TH16, Smart Wifi Switch Sonoff, Sonoff TH16, Smart Wifi Switch Sonoff, Sonoff TH16, Smart Wifi Switch Sonoff, Sonoff TH16, Smart Wifi Switch

Works With Amazon Alexa:

This product works with Amazon Alexa. You can ask Alexa to control the device with the following voice commands.
Please note that only US/UK English and German voice commands are supported now.
Try out these phrases ( {deviceName} should be the name of your device):
Alexa, turn on {deviceName}
Alexa, turn off {deviceName}
Alexa, turn {deviceName} off
Alexa, turn {deviceName} on
Alexa, schalte Gerätename ein
Alexa, schalte Gerätename aus

Sonoff Product Series:

 Product Name  Features  Input Voltage  Max Current   Max Power  Frequency  Shopping 
 Sonoff Basic  1 Channel Wireless Switch  90~250V AC  10A  2200W  2.4Ghz Click
 Sonoff RF  1 Channel 433 RF Wireless Switch  90~250V AC  10A  2200W  2.4Ghz, 433MHz RF  Click
 Sonoff TH10  Monitor and Set Temperature & Humidity  90~250V AC  10A  2200W(10A)   2.4Ghz Click
 Sonoff TH16  Monitor and Set Temperature & Humidity  90~250V AC  15A  3500W(15A)   2.4Ghz Click
 Sonoff Dual  Remote Control 2 Devices  90~250V AC  15A  3500W  2.4Ghz Click
 Sonoff Pow  Report Power & Power Usage  90~250V AC  15A  3500W  2.4Ghz Click
 Sonoff G1  GPRS/GSM Smart Switch  90~250V AC  15A  3500W  2.4Ghz Click
 Sonoff 4CH  4 Gang WiFi Wireless Switch  90~250V AC  10A  2200W  2.4Ghz Click
 Sonoff 4CH Pro  4 Gang WiFi & RF / 3 Working Model  90~250V AC/5~24V DC  10A/Gang  2200W/Gang  2.4Ghz, 433MHz RF Click
 BN-SZ01  App Control Ceiling LED  180~264V AC  0.1A  18W  2.4Ghz Click
 Sonoff Touch  WiFi Wall Touch Switch  90~250V AC  2A  400W  2.4Ghz Click
 Sonoff T1 UK  WiFi RF Wall Touch Switch  90~250V AC  2A/Gang  600W/Gang  2.4Ghz, 433MHz RF Click
 Slampher  Wireless Control Light Holder  90~260V AC  2A  200W  2.4Ghz, 433MHz RF Click
 Sonoff B1  Dimmable White & Color Bulb  90~250V AC  2A  6W  2.4Ghz Click
 S20 Smart Socket   EU/US/UK/CN Wifi Smart Socket  90~250V AC  10A  2000W  2.4Ghz Click
 Sonoff SC  Monitor Indoor Environment  USB 5V  80mA  0.4W  2.4Ghz Click




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